From broke to jet-setter!

Hi Darling,

I'm writing this from our hotel balcony in Panama City! You may not know, but I was born in Panama. When I was 4 years old my parents moved my family to the U.S. and raised us in Columbus, Ohio. For me, Ohio is home but it's always special to come to Panama and reconnect with my roots.

Today, I was thinking back on a dream I had last year, to travel. I purposefully set the intention to make this happen and worked for it.

When I first moved to England, my husband and I were so broke we could barely afford a trip to London. For those who live outside of the UK, it's pretty easy and affordable to get there. I remember wanting to go to London for my birthday to meet with a friend who was visiting from San Fransisco. I refused to allow our bank account to stop me from going. I paid a small fare and took the bus to London. The trip was terribly long and uncomfortable. I promised myself never to be in a position where I couldn't afford a faster route to London. 

The worst part of not being able to travel during those days was knowing it was cheaper to travel in Europe than it was in the U.S.. I desperately wanted to explore new places and live a laptop lifestyle!

After setting the intention to travel, I said a prayer and let life take its course. I'll warn you, be careful what you pray for! God has shown up and presented Steven and I with opportunity after opportunity to explore new destinations and travel locally. We probably drive or fly somewhere at least once a month!

There's been a bit of a learning curve figuring out how to balance travel and work but like Marie Forleo always says, "everything is figureoutable." 

Darling, we are given opportunities everyday and they are worth taking. The last 18 months I've been all over England, London (a lot), Paris (twice), Dublin (twice), Galway, Stockholm, Ohio, Dallas, Miami, New York City, Minnesota, and now Panama. And we still have a few more places booked to go to this year!

I want to remind you that your crazy dreams are possible. Right now, you might not believe it but I want you to nip whatever is holding you back in the bud because if you don't have faith to believe, it won't happen.

For me, it all started about a year ago when I moved mountains to treat my husband to a trip to Paris for his 30th birthday. Here I am a year later in Panama, with a freshly stamped passport and a camera roll full of pictures from our trips around the world. 

My heart is so full thinking back and seeing that one of my biggest dreams has come true, seeing the world! I know this is only the beginning because I have really BIG dreams. I can't wait for the new opportunities that lie ahead.

Darling, what big dreams do you have? I encourage to set an intention and say a prayer. Work hard to make them come true and you'll start seeing opportunities beyond your wildest dreams pop up!

To our crazy dreams,

Beth xo

P.S. What do you think of my Panama photoshoot? It was such a fun day! You can see more of my travel pictures here!

P.P.S. Tell me about your crazy dreams! Comment below to share them with me! 💕