I Was Embarrassed To Be A...

Dear Darling, 


I’ve been taking a much needed break to refocus and get read for the new year. But I’m back and eager to share some of the exciting things going on in my life lately. Like how I met my favorite CEO, Scott Harrison of Charity: Water but more on that next week! 


Today, I wanted to share something I’ve struggled with in my past (which makes laugh now!). Truth be told, I was embarrassed to be a business coach. You see, most of my friends are in some sort of creative industry. They’re bloggers, photographers, art directors, graphic designers, etc. and most of them had never heard of a Business + Marketing Coach. Every time someone asked what I did for a living, my hands would get all sweaty and my stomach would start turning. I felt uncomfortable and just didn’t think others would understand.


It took working on my mindset but mostly taking action to turn my embarrassment into pride. The action I took was working with my clients regardless of how I felt about my title. I started working with the most extraordinary women who were on a mission to make an impact on others through their businesses. They had big dreams, big ideas and were willing to take big actions to make them happen.

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I quickly realized I had nothing to be embarrassed about. The work I’m doing is purposeful and making an impact on these women.


I can’t pinpoint when I stared getting comfortable with that I do, but I do remember noticing a shift after going out to lunch with my husband and a buddy of his. Our friend, who I was just meeting for the first time, asked me about the work I was doing. Typically, I’d get super nervous at his point but instead I got super excited and lit up! That’s when I realize, I had learned to own my worth. 


Now, when someone asks me what I do, I couldn’t be more proud and excited to explain what a Business + Marketing Coach does!


Beth, maybe today your feeling a little embarrassed about your job title or the dream business you’d love to start one day. I encourage you to start seeing (and believing in) your worth. But don’t forget to take action.


When you start believing in what you do, you’ll be proud of the impact your making.


I’d love for you to hit reply and share with me why your work is so special and what results you've been seeing in your business! If you don’t have a business yet, I’d love to know what your dream business is!


To owning your worth,

Beth xo

P.S. Want to be take 2016 by storm? Then it's time to take the next step in your business! Let's chat over a discovery call