The Real Reason We Shut Down Our Facebook Group

Photo by Amanda Julca

Photo by Amanda Julca

Last week I mentioned that I shut down my Facebook group. We had grown this Facebook group to over 1000 women, just wasn't what I had thought it would be. 

To say that I was scared to close down this group is an understatement! 

So many online entrepreneurs use Facebook groups to grow their business, and I was so worried that this was a place that I should show up and give value.

If I'm being completely transparent, I was scared that this would cripple my ability to reach other women. 

However, I was inspired by many incredible women in this industry who decided to shut down their Facebook groups, so I decided to give it a shot (plus, I could always open it back up if I missed it)!

There were three key factors pushing me towards shutting it down, and I will share them below. 

Disclaimer: I totally believe that you can grow your business through a Facebook group. I have seen people do it. I am also not saying that I will never have a Facebook group again, just at this moment in time, this is what is best for me and my business.


Every day I would sit and think, what should I share in the group?
How can I show up today?
How can I pull people together to form a community in here? 

It had become something I HAD to do, not something I wanted to do. The Facebook group had become WAYYY more stressful to me than fun. 

I realized that when I have a task that is just a drag to do, I will hand it off to my assistant or someone else to do it for me. I hand them off because I want to focus on things that bring me joy and that I am super good at within my business.

When I'm excited to do something, I do it well! 

When it's something I don't want to do, I had it off to someone else or I do it and then feel guilty that I didn't do it well. 

I have made a conscious decision to bring more JOY to my business. I want to lead my business from a place of fun and excitement and do things that really light me up!

I want to put my energy into providing GREAT courses for my ideal clients, so I am making some HUGE changes, even in my pricing! (You will NOT want to miss out on this! Stay tuned for our pricing revamp!)

Okay, we're getting off topic! Back to being over it!

Free Facebook groups are just not my jam.


Not only was this group really stressful for me to stay involved, it was taking me away from other platforms where I could really shine!

Instagram is my jam. I feel like that should be my tagline at this point in my business!

Instagram is where you can find me. (Click here if you want to be friends!)

If you were a part of the Facebook group and are wondering where I've gone, come hang out with me on Instagram! I'm always showing up on Insta Stories and I've been posting much more because I have the time and energy to put into this social media platform!

I feel so much more vibrant and excited to show up on Instagram which means I'm giving more value on this platform.

All of this to say, the Facebook group was a huge distraction from everything else in my business and it just wasn't rewarding.


When something is free, it is VERY easy to take it for granted! 

I was putting so much pressure on myself to put time and effort into this group, but I felt like there were women in the group that were just taking it for granted. 

I truly believe that you need to make an investment in something because when you make an investment in something, you show up (I'm guilty of this too!). Whether it's a training, access to a coach, or a product, when you pay money out of your pocket for it, you will take better care of it and cherish it more. 

These reasons led me to close down my Facebook group and invest more in my paid courses as well as the exclusive Facebook group you get access to when you purchase any of our self-study courses.

Our CEO 101 course (launching soon! Look out for an email about this next week!) will have access to our new Steadfast Society Facebook group. This is only for paid members and they will get access to me, monthly Q&A Live Steam Hot Seats, a monthly training, and a community of business sisters!

Look for our email next week with our updated shop with all the new prices for our self-study courses, group programs, digital products, and more! 

I encourage you this week to eliminate the things in your life and in your business that are not bringing you joy! 

I'm giving you permission to cut out that thing that is bringing you more guilt instead of helping you move forward! It may be scary, but it will be so worth it!

Lots of love,

Beth & the SS Team xo

P.S. Not ready to launch your own business but interested in working from home? Maybe you don't have a business idea, but want to find a way to make an income? 

I've got you, girl! Click here learn more about The Freedom Collective!